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To Everything There is a Season

To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: To Everything There is a Season
From: TR250Driver@aol.com
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 19:33:17 EDT
Hey Guys,
It struck me tonight. Here in the Northern Hemisphere as the leaves are  
falling now is the time to gather our stones together and work on our  
This may well be my most favorite time since I really enjoy this  part of our 
hobby.  As I have said before this may be the advantage us  Northern Type guys 
have over all you fair  weather folks.  We have  several months over the 
winter to work on our cars and make them the best that  they can be. 
I have one more opportunity to drive on the upcoming British Car  Reliability 
Run next weekend thru OHIO and WVA. Looking forward to that,  how many of you 
are going? 

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