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Re: Stromberg dashpot oil

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, "'Dave Gebhard'"
Subject: Re: Stromberg dashpot oil
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 08:27:03 -0700
That's what I used in my Stromberg and still do in my twin SU and always used in
the UK cars I had. In fact that's what's listed in the manuals as the standard,
although many alternatives are used - atf, 3-in-1, 5W30 etc etc. The viscosity 
the oil affects the speed at which the damper moves and thus the acceleration.
There's been lots of threads on thsi in teh past that I am sure you can find in
teh archives.


On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 09:06 , 'Dave Gebhard' <kimkell@decaturnet.com> sent:

>What does it do?
>What best??
>5w20 won't work, will it?
>        Dave Gebhard
>        FK31597U
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