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Bad but Good Vendor report

To: spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Bad but Good Vendor report
From: Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 00:05:20 -0400
As some may remember I have been Spitless for about a year due to a broken 
engine. Work finally calmed down enough for me to do something about it so 
I entrusted our own Ted Schumacher (and Hart's Machine Shop in OH) with the 
rebuild. Come to find out, the problem was a broken crankshaft! This is a 
problem, as small-bearing 1296 cranks don't generally break, so are very 
hard to find. But, Victoria British had one in stock, a regrind with the 
bearings etc. included. So it was duly bought and shipped to the machine 
shop. Unfortunately, they discovered that it was not re-ground correctly, 
and was not usable in it's present state. All of the journals were tapered 
and oversized.

I called VB to see what could be done, fully expecting a major hassle. I 
could not have been more pleased - they are refunding to me the cost of 
having Hart's Machine Shop re-grind the crank, and they are refunding the 
cost of the next size up bearings that I will need! Absolutely no hassle! 
They even took my word for the problem, no proof needed.

So while I am not pleased about the quality of the purchased part, they 
went out of their way to make it right! I have had mixed results buying 
from them over the years, but in this case they were the only vendor who 
had a crankshaft and I had no choice. At least I now know they will stand 
behind their products.

Kevin Rhodes
Westbrook, Maine
Freddy the soon to be re-engined Spitfire

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