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Re: To insulate on not...that is the question!

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: To insulate on not...that is the question!
From: Marv Coulthard <coulthard@saltspring.com>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 21:02:48 -0700
I just finished a garage and carports ( for the daily drivers ) with a
studio above, a cpl of years back.  For the collector cars, it is a
relatively well sealed garage, insulated and 2 small baseboard heaters on a
thermostat.  I set these at about 14-15 C The garage is insulated and
drywalled and I find these are hardly ever on. We are in a mild climate
too, zone 9a like San Francisco, but we are close to the ocean (40ft) so
the most important item is the $200 Sears Dehumidifier. It works well. I
park the car in there after a run in the rain...  come back in 1/2 an hour
and it is all dry. I try and keep it at about 35-40 % Humidity (the car is
a Morgan) so I dont want the wood and leather to totally dry out.  

on the gulf islands in Western Canada. 

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