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Re: >>NASS clutch adjustment/follow-up.......DOH!!!!!

To: <nass@yahoogroups.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: >>NASS clutch adjustment/follow-up.......DOH!!!!!
From: "D T Gebhard" <kimkell@decaturnet.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:57:11 -0500
    In following the advice from you guys, I looked up for what Nolan Perry
called a pilot bearing in my Haynes manual. Flipping through the pages I saw
on page 48 fig.16.11a things called bolts that hold the engine plate to the
engine...I'm here to tell EVERYONE that I don't recall putting these back
in. I say that because when my friend Duke helped lift the tranny back in
the engine plate fell off the studs on top the engine. I didn't think
anything about it because I figured the bell housing bolts would snug it all
together. This is what I get for thinking!!!!!!! Now it's back to taking it
all back apart to put in these bolts. It didn't bother me that I had extra
bolts because I had purchased new for the bell house and starter. I'll post
my outcome.
    Remember...practice makes perfect!!!!!!! Besides I don't have anything
else better to do!!!!!
                Dave Gebhard
                "Owner of the Do and Redo Garage"
----- Original Message -----
From: "D T Gebhard" <kimkell@decaturnet.com>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>; <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: >>NASS clutch adjustment

> Spitlisters,
>     I just got done with my clutch replacement along with all the seals
> could be gotten to with I was in there. Everything went back together
> smoothly but on the ensuing test run (yea Howard it was neaer 50 here in
> northern IN *yesterday*...today, well thats a different story!!!)I'm
> a grinding/klunk when I try for reverse or first but not in any other
>     Is my assuption correct that any ajustment must come with the position
> of the slave cyl.? By pushing it towards the engine I should get more
> release.
>     I did replace all component of the clutch and I didn't have these
> problems before. It wasn't that bad of a job but when I put it back
> I did everything as correct as possible including new bolts,nuts,seals and
> anything else I could clean or replace.
>         Thanks
>             Dave Gebhard

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