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To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: crankshafts
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 20:29:08 -0600
I dismantled my '77 motor and found the crankshaft had bumped the rear main
so much that the cranks rear thrust surface had a curved taper of .060, from
top to bottom. The block had been repaired. The rear main area, including
the main cap, had been machined flat, a semicircle, of metal, was screwed to
the main cap. This had been worn out and the semicircle of metal and the
thrust washers were in the oil pan.
I bought a block and a crankshaft on ebay. The crankshaft had the same wear
If you add thicker thrust washers, instead of rebuilding the motor, wouldn't
this cause the tapered wear, on the rear thrust surface of the crank and
guarentee that the rear thrust washer would fall out?
My local machine shop says they can't machine the thrust surface of a crank,
any crank!
I see in magazines that machine shops weld up crank surfaces and machine
them to spec.
My question is, What is an acceptable rear thrust surface, on a used
I told the guy I bought the block and crank from, that both were
unacceptable. He said I could trade them for the next block and crank he
came up with.

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