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Re: [triumph_herald] Re: Seats

To: jdeeks@rm.com
Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] Re: Seats
From: JohnZissler@aol.com
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 10:06:49 EST
Jon, The rear seat was a bit of a headache. I toyed with the idea of just 
covering the existing Herald seats with that nice grey cloth. Then I decided 
to fit the Escort rear seats in the Herald. This had slight problems, the 
main one being the Herald is a lot narrower than the Escort. So I just cut 
the Escort seat in two and made it narrower then stitched the two halves 
together. The bottom bit of the rear seat fitted ok, but it was the back seat 
that didnt. It all depends on whether you are any good at stitching (or know 
someone who is ). For the extra comfort I thouight it was worth the hassle. 

Happy Spitting...................John (in the United Kingdom)
Spit Mk II (1966) in bits..or as some would say (in restoration)
Spit Mk III donor car     ( I am nearly a collector)
Mk IV chassis with all running gear.......(I AM a collector)
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