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Re: Photographic proof

To: Larry Vaughan <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Subject: Re: Photographic proof
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 21:39:28 -0700
Larry I put a pair or twin SU on my car. So have a number of others. 
Follow the setup instructions for after a rebuild in the manuals ( 
Haynes or Bentley) and you should not have any trouble. I don't see why 
they would be any different than putting on the Webers. They would not 
ruin the cylinders any more than any other type of carb. I assume you 
mean by running too rich.
Personally for me it would be a worry putting on Webers as I am more 
familiar with SU carbs.
I put twin HS4 on my 1500 to replace the single Stromberg as well. Easy 
to get setup up and running. Initial setting gets the car running not 
bad and not to far out from where it needs to be. Just don't forget to 
make sure you have that main throttle return spring attached. You know 
who forgot that one.....

All carbs need some form of initial setting to get the car running and 
warmed up and then fine tuning.
Also if you have the SU HS4 (1 1/2 inch) or HS2 they are so easy to 
adjust, especially on the Spitfire (they are more awkward on a Healey or 
an MGB in comparison due to limited space but do adjust really easy). 
Easier than with that tool you need to use when adjusting Strombergs as 
well. Webs may also be easy but I've never had one.

If you were going to put on twin Webs then you must have some form of 
balancing air flow which is the same for the Sue's.
Apart from that no special tools are needed.


Larry Vaughan wrote:

>I will be starting up a rebuilt motor soon. Is 20-50 the correct break in
>I have a problem with the motor I am rebuilding. The original Stromberg carb
>shot a stream of gas out of a hole, but ran if some one held a finger on it.
>I ran a single 40DCOE18 with good results for a very brief period. I then
>traded the 18 for a 3, so I would have a matched set of webers. I never ran
>the dual 40DCOE3 setup before I put the motor in the shop. I Began to worry
>about the initial break in with untried Webers, new cam etc. I bought a pair
>of SU carbs from John Esposito, $175.00 on ebay, and will run the stock cam
>till I get the carbs working. The motor will be stock European spec
>basically. The cylinders will be honed standard size with 9 to 1 pistons. If
>the SU carbs are totally out of whack and I can't get the damn thing to run
>initially, will I ruin the cylinders?
>I am gettig very anxious about this!!

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