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Clutch/Trans question...(kinda long)

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Clutch/Trans question...(kinda long)
From: Mayer49@netscape.net (Dave Mayer)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:56:03 -0400
Hi y'all.
  In the last few weeks i have been making a lot of headway on my spit.  Now i 
am ready to attatch the transmission...but things were going way to smoothly to 
be true and lo and behold another problem.
  When the previous owner gave me the car in boxes, i was given one 
transmission (i checked the serial numbers and it does belong to a Mk. 3), one 
flywheel and two clutches with pressure plates.  One clutch is a 6-12" dia. and 
the other is 7-1/4" dia.  The pressure plate assemly that fits onto the 
flywheel that i have is the 7-1/4" clutch assembly.  HOWEVER...the center of 
that clutch has 20 teeth on the inside but the transmission has only 10.  The 
6-1/2" clutch plate has 10 as well and works with the transmission, but that 
assembly does not match up to the flywheel.
  So here is my question.  Do i have to:
1) buy a new flywheel to accomodate the 6-1/2" clutch assembly?
2) is it possible to use the 6-1/2" clutch plate with the 7-1/4" pressure plate?
3) can i buy a 7-1/4" clutch plate with 10 teeth on the inside instead of 20?

  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I want to get the engine in the car 
and running as soon as possible so i know whether to start painting it or not.
Thanks in advance.  Y'all are always such a big help.


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