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Case Closed on Dead Pertronix and Loss of power above 3500

To: teamx <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Case Closed on Dead Pertronix and Loss of power above 3500
From: Roger Elliott <elliottr@rmi.net>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:02:50 -0500
In the last couple of weeks I sent a couple of questions about a dead 
Pertronix and loosing power above 3500 rpm.

Just thought I would report back.  The Pertronix was fried evidently I 
flipped the wires around that go to the coil and burnt it out .  A new 
unit fired it right up.

The loss of power was a bit more elusive. (The car has twin HS4) I was 
convinced that the carbs were adjusted right.  The engine picked up very 
slightly in rpms when I lifted the pistons.  The rpm increase seemed to 
be about equal  when lifting each of the pistons.  So I had tried 
looking else where.  Finally , I got the ColorTune out and installed it 
in the car (once on #4 and once on #1) and adjusted the carbs until the 
flame was yellow and then back to blue ( I left just a little yellow in 
the flame).

I started to take the Spit out for a test drive and noticed the front 
carb was leaking from the fuel bowl where the jet goes in.  I tried 
tightening it and it just leaked worse. I discovered that the seal was 
split. (Is this a common problem or am I doing something wrong?  I have 
had this happen to both carbs in about the 1 1/2 that the SU's have been 
on the car).

Anyway, I finally got the car out for a test drive after replacing that 
seal.  The car ran great.  So the loss of power was that the mixture was 
too lean.

Roger Elliott

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