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Strang transmission noise

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <spitfire-enthusiast@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Strang transmission noise
From: "Mike Chambers" <mikech@sprynet.com>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 21:50:13 -0600
I pulled my engine and transmission out of my car a few weeks ago to paint
the frame and firewall.  Last weekend I put them back in and now there is a
squeaking sound coming from the transmission.  It sounds like a piece of
rubber or plastic is rubbing on the driveshaft.  Its related to vehicle
speed, not engine speed.  It's there as long as the car is moving, whether
the engine is running or not, or the clutch is in or out, or trans in
neutral or gear.  I've checked and nothing is rubbing on the driveshaft.
The engine and trans were separated but nothing was changed with the trans,
same oil, same everything.
Anyone have any ideas what may be doing this?  It's starting to drive me

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