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Re: battery box replacement

To: flinters@picarefy.com
Subject: Re: battery box replacement
From: gary durham <gjdurham@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 23:12:49 -0500
Contrary to popular belief (99%), it is NOT the battery acid which
destroys the battery tray.  It is condensate.  The bonnet acts like an
inverted moisture trap.  A little acid will remove the paint, but it
doesn't eat the metal.  THAT, is rust.  It is pure condensation which
destroys the box.  Keep the drain clear.  Every morning, as your Spit/GT6
warms naturally from the weather (and I do mean every morning),
condensation beads up and clings to the walls of the battery box, much
like a cool can of soda, inside nose of the bonnet, etc.

Think of a cup, upside down, with water trapped within it.

We call this a 'Bonnet' in our jargon...

Think of a kitchen sink, with the 'plug' in the drain, and trapped inside
that inverted cup of moisture.

We call this a 'Battery Box' in our jargon...

And if you still think it's the acid that's doing it... well, hope you
find more of those "experts" books to read up on to prove your point.


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