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Re: battery box replacement

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: battery box replacement
From: "Tom O'Malley" <tom.omalley@verizon.net>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 19:18:29 -0400
On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 21:50:52 -0600, you wrote:

>Has anyone any experience replacing a battery box on a Spit?

I asked this question a few years back and got a reply from Greg Wolf.
Here it's 2002 and I still haven't replaced mine....RealSoonNow. :-)

According to Greg,  Vicky Brit has the OEM style metal box.
(confirmed)  Not sure about Rimmers but I'll bet they do too.

The vertical braces will, at least, need the base welds drilled out.
At that point you can bend them aside to clear the box.  Or drill all
the welds and remove them completely.  The rear lip of the new box
will need to be bent up at some angle to match the bulkhead.  Possibly
clamp and bend the lip with a pair of angle irons?

Oh....and don't forget that the old box is also "glued" in place from
underneath with seam sealer.   

Tom O'Malley

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