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Re: Exciting news!!!

To: Kristi Richardson <lytabyron@hotmail.com>, nass@yahoogroups.com,
Subject: Re: Exciting news!!!
From: Carter Shore <clshore@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 09:51:56 -0800 (PST)
I think what you really need is the Spitfire SUV.

This little known Malvern project was obviously years
ahead of it's time. If only the BLMC product planners
had had the foresight, ....

Well, anyway, the prototype pieces do exist, and can
be seen surfacing on eBay from time to time.

It should be no problem to graft these onto your Spit.
When completed, it will stand about 6 ft tall, with
ground clearance of 14", weigh approx 8,000 lbs, get
3.4 MPG, and seat 9 comfortably.

Britannia Rules!


--- Kristi Richardson <lytabyron@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have finally talked Brad into converting our
> orange spitfire into an 
> automatic transmission. We are thinking of putting
> the bonnet of an MG-T so 
> that we won't have to cut a hole in the original.
> Also I would need a larger 
> trunk so we are exploring the possibility of putting
> a mustang trunk in 
> place of the original.
> I am also in need of a back seat for the family. How
> hard would it be to 
> elongate the body so a back seat could be fitted?
> Would a 55 T-bird top fit? 
> (the one with the little circular windows)
> I have already started on a pop art seat covers that
> I am making in 
> needlepoint. Oh, and the car will be painted in hot
> Pink!
> Any suggestions on how to proceed?
> Kristi
Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover

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