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RE: { NASS } Brake Master Cylinder

To: <nass@yahoogroups.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: { NASS } Brake Master Cylinder
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:08:51 -0800
At 07:20 PM 3/25/02 -0500, Jon wrote:
>This may have come up before, I've only done a partial archive search, but
>I've seen opinions from various corners that the rubber in the seals in the
>British car hydraulics wasn't formulated to handle silicone based fluids. Is
>this valid or myth? I'd originally planned on using the silicone fluid when
>I reassemble my spitter, then decided not to after seeing those, now I'm not
>sure. What's your take on the subject? I'd rather not risk a new paint job,
>on the other hand- I don't want to be tearing down my hydraulics right after
>a rebuild!

Dot 5 or silicon won't adversely affect rubber seals at all, but unless you 
have flushed the entire system and replaced all the rubber, you won't get 
any of the benefits of using the silicon fluid since you will have a mix 
and that does not work at all.  Silicon fluid does not play nice with other 
fluids or contaminants.  The best time to use it is with a 100% complete 
rebuild of the entire braking system to include master cylinder, disc brake 
calipers, and wheel cylinders in the rear.

Dot 3 is the stuff that rots the British rubber original seals.
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
copyrighted by this individual for better or for worse, especially if there 
is mint involved.  We thank you for your support.  Please give mint to your 
local Mint Cross Center. 

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