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RE: Gauge Lights and Unleaded

To: "Spit list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Gauge Lights and Unleaded
From: "Joe Frakes" <joe@ados.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 21:24:36 -0800
>Actually, since I have a spare speedo and tacho, I may butcher the filters
>off them and fit them to the other gauges so I can make mine all match.

Nice to know that I am not the only anal retentive on the list...

Another option I have used on aftermarket gauges on my old Chevys is to
paint the glass part of the bulb with transparent model paint.  Holds up to
the heat of the lamp and there are many colors to choose from.  One of them
even matches that old car green glow.

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