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RE: trregistry.com

To: "Triumph List" <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: trregistry.com
From: "Jon" <triumph@bigolbear.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 22:07:19 -0500
Well said, John-
I know I for one, take every opportunity to promote the lists. Whenever I
get a question from someone from my site, I always direct them to "the
list". Likewise, there's a link provided to help drive viewers there.
These have been a great resource to me as well as a great way to get in
touch with "the community".
Thanks to all of you who participate!
'77 (mostly) 1500 "Ol' Yeller"
FM66043 7U

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of John Macartney
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 5:01 PM
To: Triumph List
Subject: Re: trregistry.com
I applaud Corey Sherman's initiative in launcing the trregistry - just
as much as Joe Curry's ever growing Spitfire database and the other
person (apologies, I don't recall his name) who is doing the same for
GT6. May they all grow and 'prosper.'
However at this point, perhaps I can address another issue that is
more connected to this list and others administered by Mark Bradakis.
I don't think I'm the only subscriber to Mark's daily email despatches
who doesn't have the opportunity of meeting enthusiasts from different
parts of almost any 'western' country where individual enthusiasm for
the LBC of yore isn't adequately represented. What does concern me is
that a substantial proportion of the people I meet who are computer
literate and have email at work or at home, claim to be unaware of the
existence of any of these lists. Why this should be, I cannot
imagine - because they all claim to be fervent supporters of their
preferred make. But if this is true, then something somewhere is not
connecting at the enthusiast coalface - and this is to everyone's
disadvantage. All of us appreciate that the internet and its related
services are turning conventional communication methods (snail mail
etc) on its head - yet many hundreds who share our love of Standards
and Triumphs do not appear to know of our existence. The same appears
to apply to Austin Healey, MG, Sunbeam and all the rest.
If Corey's, Joe's and A.N. Other efforts are to prove useful to the
global ST community, is it not our joint and individual responsibility
to re-promote autox.team.net to the club(s) to which we must all
surely belong? If we agree to that concept, it surely is not an
unreasonable depredation on our individual time to take a few minutes
to write to our respective club newsletter editor informing of this
global brotherhood? If we can do that, the efforts of others working
voluntarily on our behalf to record history for whatever purpose is
surely worth the energy they will expend in maintaining such a unique
and valuable point of reference.

///  spitfires@autox.team.net mailing list
///  or try  http://www.team.net/cgi-bin/majorcool

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