Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:
> Well, no. It was meant to be driven in blazing sunshine, with the top
> down, by a darkly-handsome muscle-man with blow-dried hair, long
> sideburns and a chunky gold chain-link bracelet. He'd have something
> cool on the 8-track - probably the Bee-Gees - and a rather dim, but
> decorative, blonde (five years his junior) in the passenger seat.
> *That's* how '77 Spits were meant to be driven.
Well maybe. Having watched the adverts on totallytriumph - I think this is the
case. However - presuming the guy is the father - I guess he's going to have to
rid of the spit after the birth!
And also Im concerned that the PO has lost one of the things that came with it
- as
stated on the second advert - Ive got the car, and a piece of history - but the
girl has been lost along the way. I've phoned up Moss, Rimmer, TRGB - all the
places, but can't find one anywhere.
> >Most of my friends think theirs something mentally wrong with me anyway - I
> >as well live up to it.....
> You've already proved your insanity by buying a sports car whose
> performance figures are similar to those of a shopping trolley.
Hey thats not fair - a shopping trolley has much better cornering - and possibly
better ride qualities than my spit.
> >No I don't regret taking the hard top off at all (he says with a giant grin
> >wet trousers)
> I found it useful to carry a towel, to go between the trousers and the
> seat, this time last year. As long as your journey is a short one, and
> you fold the towel into at least four, then you can avoid that
> unpleasant damp feeling in the nether regions.
Luckily my Spurs scarf (please no one mention the game) has come in rather hand.
When the roof it down it keeps me warm - when the roof is up it keeps me dry.
> >
> >Honestly their's nothing wrong with me.....
> Well, nothing that the rest of us here can see wrong, anyway! <g>
Thank god for that.
A Rather Wet 1977 Pimento Red Spit
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