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Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] Haynes cut-away spifire t-shirts

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] Haynes cut-away spifire t-shirts
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 11:29:06 +0000
In article <20020201111215.74254.qmail@web9608.mail.yahoo.com>, John 
Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk> writes
>I recently e-mailed Eric Kieboom
>(http://www.xs4all.nl/~ekieboom/spit/spit.html) to ask him for a high
>resolution version of the cut-away spifire 1500 that features on the
>front of the haynes manual -
>which he then sent me (thanks Eric!)
>The reason I wanted this was becuase I thought that it would look really
>cool if printed on a t-shirt.  I have seen quite a few t-shirts in the uk
>recently with similar cut-aways or sketchy drawings of VW camper vans and
>large american cars etc, so why not a similar one of our little cars?
>This sort of t-shirt is definitely in fashion at the moment(20s UK market
>anyway).  Eric suggested that he would be interested in one if I could do
>a run of them, and I thought that you lot may be interested too.
>I was thinking of printing them onto a yellow t-shirt, maybe with
>red/orange collar and sleeves, although these t-shirts may be harder to
>source, so plain yellow may be better.
>Anyway, if any of you would be interested in one of these t-shirts then
>please drop me an e-mail and I'll go to the print shop on Monday and get
>a price for doing a run of them.  Also let me know what colour t-shirts
>you would interested in.  Once I have a rough idea of numbers, I'll let
>you know what the cost will be + shipping to various parts of the
>world(can't imagine it will be too much, t-shirts aren't that heavy),
>then you can let me know if you want one for definite and I'll get them

Sounds wonderful - but have you checked the copyright situation?
The image is clearly marked "Copyright Haynes, 1978".   If you don't 
have Haynes' permission to reproduce this illustration, you are letting 
yourself in for a world of hurts...

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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