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HS2 carb conversion questions

To: <spitfire-enthusiast@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: HS2 carb conversion questions
From: "Len & Bonnie Lubbers" <lubbers@sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 23:55:49 -0700
I pulled off my Stromberg carb and swapped in my dual HS2 carbs a couple
nights ago to see how they would run.  Not bad, actually.  Although, the
idle would not settle down - it wandered up and down slowly.  Vacuum leak?
Yup, the throttle shafts are pretty loose.

I thought I saw this being discussed a while back.  How can the loose shafts
be fixed?  DIY?

Here are some other questions:

The air filters for the carbs appear to be 4 and 3/8 inch diameter.  Is this
a standard size? Is there a cheap source for replacement?

Does anyone have alternative throttle linkage ideas / pictures - I do not
have the original linkage arms.

What about a PCV valve replacement? - the original style is friction fit in
the manifold.  I am missing the top metal plate and wire cover and the
rubber diaphram is dried and cracked.  Is there a better way to go than
repairing this?

Can the hose from carbon canister that previously connected to the Stromberg
carb be connected to the back or front plate of the front air filter?

If you can offer suggestions on any of these, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

Len Lubbers '79 Spitfire
Ottawa, Canada www3.sympatico.ca/lubbers

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