No such critter. The sending unit you have for the idiot light is merely a
pressure contact switch. For electrical oil pressure gauges the sending
unit is a variable resistor that changes its resistence to reflect the oil
Best and cheapest way is to purchase a cheap mechanical oil pressure
guage and connect it to the engine via a plumbing T fitting. Screw
the t fitting into the block, and then attach the idiot sending unit and
the mechanical guage to the two legs of the T.
>>> "Frank Drummond" <> 09/30 9:19 AM >>>
Hi Listers,
I'm looking for a convenient and inexpensive way to monitor engine oil
pressure while breaking in a rebuilt engine in the 72 Spit. All I have now is
the idiot light.
Any suggestions where I might find a gauge that will hook up to the single
prong sender unit now in the block?
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