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Re: carb conversions

To: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: carb conversions
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 21:01:27 -0400
Yep.  Which leads me to suspect the ZS's bad rap has more to do with it's lousy
manifold design then anything else.  Especially the later ones that had the
narrowed down manifold runners.

Terry Thompson wrote:

> To be specific, two 1.25" carbs doesn't equal a 2.5"
> carb. The circular area of the throttle disc is
> calculated as pi*r(squared). For two you'd have to add
> them then recalculate in reverse to see what the
> throttle diameter would be equal to.
> Two 1.25" carbs =
> 1.25 / 2 = .625 (radius)
> .625 * .625 = .3906 (radius squared)
> .3906 * 3.14  =1.226 (area of 1 throttle disc in ")
> 1.226" * 2 = 2.45" (total area of both carbs)
> 2.45" /3.14 = .78" = .883 (sqr rt) * 2 = 1.76"
> I rounded off a few numbers, but as you can see, the
> area of two 1.25" diameter circles is approximately
> equal to one 1.76" diameter circle.
> Two 1.5" carbs would equal 3.5325" of area or 2.12"
> diameter.
> -Terry
> >   was a noticable difference with the HS2's.  The
> > two 1.25" (total of 2.5")
> >   SU's breaths much better than a single 1.5" ZS.

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