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autox spit ignition help

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: autox spit ignition help
From: mbarre@juno.com
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 20:59:45 -0500
I missed our monthly solo2 this morning because my Spit
wouldn't start yesterday and I couldn't breathe life into it
in the couple of hours I had.  It is definitely an ignition problem
and I think my MSD box has crapped out.

I think I will take this opportunity to convert to something with
a rev limiting feature and would like to get rid of the points as well.

Any suggestions?  I am leaning toward the Crane products but
need to confirm their optical triggers will work with their multi
spark, rev limiting boxes.

Any better ideas or comments?

Matt Barre   
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