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Re: Rubber vs. Poly

To: BrYarboro <BrYarboro@aol.com>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Rubber vs. Poly
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 25 May 2001 07:15:15 -0500

Concerning steel braided brake hoses, I found a very noticeable improvement in
 brake pedal feel, and rapid application of brakes without pressing the pedal
 too far, when switching my old brake hoses to steel braided.  It must be said
 that the old hoses were pretty old, and so may have had more 'give' in them
 than new, standard hoses.  Still, I happily recommend them to anyone - brakes
 are something you shouldn't skimp on!

Richard & Daffy

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