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Re: RE: Highway driving

To: "Spit List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: RE: Highway driving
From: "Graham Stretch" <technical@iwnet.screaming.net>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 23:32:03 +0100
Hi Laura
I once drove from Birmingham to the south coast "playing silly devils" with
a Porsche, I was rushing for a ferry (as usual)and just drove past him, then
he passed me and I thought I had pissed him off by passing him in my 1300
Toledo, I just kept going at the same speed and passed him again when he
slowed a little, from then on we paced each other for the next 150 miles
taking it in turns to lead and preventing the other from getting penned in
when we met slower traffic. We did a steady 85 mph all the way, when we
parted company it was at a big narrow angle Y where the southbound M3 splits
to east and west M27, as we parted I looked over and he gave a wave, be a
long time forgetting that drive, felt more alive / alert after that drive
than any other time I have done the same journey!
I have never had a repeat of this sort of camaraderie!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" Subject: Re: RE: Highway driving

| Or, when you're on the freeway and meet a 'driving buddy'-someone that you
don't know, but you end up driving together up the freeway-watching out for
each other, challenging each other a bit. Once, when I was going to the
desert in June (it was my birthday) there was a big, black Dodge SUV. When
he/she saw that I could keep up with them, the window came down the I got a
thumbs up. We had a ball, driving up the freeway. When they finally turned
off, the window came down again and I got another thumbs up and a wave! This
comraderie happens really quite often and makes for some great freeway
| Laura G.

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