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heat shield question

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: heat shield question
From: HD883HUGGR@aol.com
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 12:20:22 EDT
Hi Gang.  I was hoping to avoid the heat shield thing, but I've had vapor 
lock 3 times this month and so have decided it may be time...
    I recall about 18 months ago the heat shield thread came up and one 
Lister had an excellent photo of his cookie-sheet shield.  Are you still on 
the list?   I'd like to see that photo... and would appreciate any 
installation suggestions you or anyone else might want to shoot my way.  I'm 
not looking forward to this project...!
Hobbs, 77 Spit, daily driver until (a) vapor lock or (b) starter gave out 
Rufio, 75 Spit, stalling restoration due to Hobbs' current troubles

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