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Re: Greetings

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Greetings
From: Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:33:08 -0400


On Thursday, May 10, 2001, at 01:31 PM, Vic Whitmore wrote:

> Hi Andre,
> Welcome to the list. There are a some great guys with lots of good 
> information
> and support so don't be afraid to ask any question. Even one that may 
> seem
> trivial often brings forth a good discussion.
> Is the URL correct? I couldn't get to your web page.
> Enjoy your GT6...
> Vic Whitmore
> 76 Spitfire
> Thornhill, Ontario
> http://www.vicwhit.com

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