Hi Team. Below is a copy of an e-mail I received this morning regarding the
new film, "Left Behind." If you are familiar with the Left Behind book
series, you know it is a fine series of Christian books.
I purchased the video (pre-released before the film hit the theatres in
order to capitalize on Xmas gift sales) and watched it... the film is
reasonably well done considering the fact that it didn't have the budget "Die
Hard," "Titanic" or other big boys had. I also don't like the actor who plays
the lead role, but that's just personal preference.
My main reason for forwarding the e-mail is NOT to promote Christianity,
since not all of us are Christians. It is to reinforce the message to
Hollywood that there is a market for films with a positive moral content,
with or without a Christian message.
'Nuff said. Happy Motoring.
Scott, father of 3 and pretty sick of the garbage the media is pushing
(& Hobbs, 77 Spit, daily driver)
LEFT BEHIND - The most anticipated movie in Christian filmmaking history will
hit theaters all across North America on Friday February 2nd. To find out if
it's going to be premiering in your city, all you have to do is click on the
link below.
Left Behind - The Movie is the single project that can literally burst the
doors to Hollywood wide open. It's a ONCE IN A GENERATION OPPORTUNITY to
show Hollywood that there is a huge audience for good and Godly films. You
see, if we
fill those theaters this weekend, we will be paving the way for countless
future Christian films.
For so long we in the Christian community have pointed out the shortcomings
of Hollywood, but we've failed to offer many real, viable alternatives.
Finally, Left Behind-The Movie has changed all that. So please, drop by
http://www.lbtribforce.com/redirect.html?afid=a1040c and if Left Behind is
playing near you, join us for a night to remember.