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Re: Re: Winter Sales

To: Laura Gharazeddine <Laura.G@141.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Winter Sales
From: tw1@sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 21:11:34 -0600 (CST)
> > The Roadster factory sent out a Christmas Book 2000 in
> >November. 
> I got one! A shocker as I'd been requesting a Spitfire catalog
> for 2 years-and never recieved anything at all!
I have never gotten anything from them, although I have called in orders. 
 Since I've been visiting in-laws for the holidays (it was in the wedding 
vows) I decided to drive up and get a catalog. I picked up some hardware 
for my hardtop, and even got a couple of discontinued spacers out of 
their old stock. I guess it pays to have cute kids. Anyhow, the service 
at the counter was great. The note in the back of the catalog describes a 
renewed interest in revitalizing the parts service previously suffering 
because of the Coventry Inn. I got the impression that TRF heard the 
message from enough disatisfied customers and is working to improve their 
image. Only time will tell!

Tim Wilcox
Information Systems Specialist
Lowndes County Schools

'79 1500, currently with concrete garage floor pans

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