Hi Greg,
20 years ago I drove my 1500 from Springfield, IL to Minnesota to photograph
a wedding. I had to wait in Des Moines until I35 opened up due to 3 (three)
feet of snow. By the time I got to Fairbeau it was 37 degreesF BELOW zero
and 36 inches of snow on the ground. The wedding was in a country church.
The hoarfrost and snow on the trees and fence rails made for fantastic photos
of the spit.
The spit started every time, but I did start it at least every hour, which
made for scant sleep. In addition I had to wrap myself in a sleeping bag to
stay warm while driving. On the way back I went thru NW Indiana to visit my
sister. It was only 22 below so I let it sit without that every hour start.
I had to use starting fluid and jump it, but I did get it started. That's
the only time it's never started. And then there's the time I drove half way
across the Mississippi River on ice to photograph bald eagles-----
Bill Brockschmidt
64 Jag OTS
65 Jag S
63, 64, 65, 66, 73, 77 Spits