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Re: Winter Spitfire Touring - no technical content

To: Greg Rowe <growe58@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Winter Spitfire Touring - no technical content
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:58:09 -0500
Mine is getting more use this winter then it did all summer.  I've found a way 
rationalize my Spitfire, it's now my work vehicle; I use it to run my trap 
line.  Who
needs a truck or 4wd, just go cautiously and carefully with the Spitfire!  Ok, 
so I can't
get back as far into the fields with the Spitfire as I could with a 4x4, but at 
least I'm
out having fun with it.

Park it at home and wait for summer?  Never!  That's one of the advantages of 
having a
rather ratty Spitfire!  One can have a ball year round with it in tatty 
condition.  :-)

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