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Re: Soggy Trousers

To: Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Soggy Trousers
From: "Greg Rowe" <growe58@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 07:21:45 EDT

>From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>

>Greg, what do you mean by extra seals?  Is this something that still allows 
>  hood to be raised and lowered easily, or are you just talking about your 
>  tape solution?

The duct tape "solution" was semi-facetious and only esthetically
appropriate to the battered spitfire I was driving 15 years ago or
it's equivalent.  8-)

The extra seal idea came up as a thread on this list some time back
and I believe credit goes to Reid.  Sadly he is gone from the list,
but IIRC he had glued an additional rubber seal to the chrome capping
on top of the windscreen surround.  Apparently the combination of
two seals was much more waterproof.  He told me that if it was applied
neatly, it didn't look too bad, but for a variety of reasons, I never
actually tried it.

BTW, your post was certainly timely as it poured here in the Philadelphia
region yesterday.  However, I ended up with "wet pants" instead of
"soggy trousers".  Cheers!

Greg Rowe

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