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Re: Tuning SU's

To: Flinthoof Ponypal <Flinters@picarefy.com>
Subject: Re: Tuning SU's
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 23:12:36 -0700

Flinthoof Ponypal wrote:

> According to this ol' book on SU's, I need to loosen the throttle linkage
> between the carbs.  Done.  Then with the air filters off, independantly
> adjust the throttles to get the engine to idle slowly at about 550 RPM.
> Impossible.  Engine will die if I try that. 

I have found that it is possible to get an idle as low as 800 rpm, but 1K is 
probably acceptable.

> Best I can do is get around
> 1000 RPM.  Instructions say to adjust the throttles with a rubber hose next
> to your ear and at the air intack for each throttle.  Adjust each until
> they are even in sound.  Done, though it's pretty darn hard to get them
> that close.  It takes quite a bit to get them equal.  They are definately
> not equal in the number of turns from zero.   Done.

I hope you didn't achieve the equalization by turning the jet adjustment.  
Those are supposed to be preeset about 3 full turns down
from fully closed.  Then achieve equalization by adjustng the idle screws on 
the carbs.  Once the two are synchronized, then you can
lock down the interconnecting linkage and proceed with fine tuning the jets.
> Now we screw the jets up all the way to bring them level with the bridge
> across the air intake, then back them off twelve flats for a base
> adjustment.  Done.
Should be done before the previous step.

> Restart the engine and start adjusting the jet screws up and down until the
> engine runs smoothly at 550 with no misfiring.  Again impossible.  No luck
> at all.  Worse yet, I'm now so far off the engine barely runs.  I was
> better off with the steady miss. :/

I suggest adjusting the jets until you achieve the highest rpm and then back 
off the idle stop to idle it back down to 800-1000.

While adjusting the jets, push up on the bottom of the jet so that the impact 
of the jet will be instantly felt.

Better still, look at the Haynes manual and you will find a much better 
description of how to do this than I can explain.

> Who in the Seattle area is good with SU's?  Huw?

Sorry, I no longer live there :)  If all else fails, call Tom Eller at 
BritSport in Magnolia.


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