Wonderful spitfire day...about 75 and sunny, and my job had me on the road
for most of the day. After about 150 miles (I guess, the speedo cable broke
this am), and about 1/2 mile from home, the car mysteriously lost power.
I pulled over, and the car would fire briefly, and I couldn't keep it
running. Went through the usual subjects...check the plug wires, pull the
dizzy cap...all OK. What else could it be? Check the fuel lines, looked
for an obvious vacuum leak, made sure the linkages were working...again OK.
Pulled the air cleaners and made sure the carb pistons were moving...again
OK. Hmmm.
Pulled the fuel line and cranked the engine to check the fuel pump. No gas
flow! As I was feeling proud of my detective work, it occurred to me....
These things need gas occasionally! The danger of such a good driving day
is sometimes you don't pay as much attention to ALL the gauges!
Then of course, I had to make the humbling phone call to the wife..."honey,
you know that big gas can I keep for the mower..."
I wish you all as good a driving day as I had today...but watch that gas
Mike Perry
72 Spit (now with a full tank)!