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Dot 5 Fluid

To: "Spifires Autox Team" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <jcullum@chorus.net>
Subject: Dot 5 Fluid
From: "BILL McDEVITT" <wmmk1@informatics.net>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 12:56:39 -0500
Jason, They are talking about Dot 5 fluid, not Dot 3,
which is the same as paint remover!! I've had dot 5
in my spit for 8 years and run many Auto Cross races
and Drag races and find it to be the best!!! Expensive,
not in the long run, it doesn't remove the paint on the fire wall like the
dot 3!! My 2 cents!!  Bill

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