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RE: HELP!!!!!

To: Laura.G@141.com, owner-spitfires@autox.team.net,
Subject: RE: HELP!!!!!
From: OHFASTONE@aol.com
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 20:51:46 EDT
 He was a 'mechanic' in his own mind-there were so many things wrong with the 
car due to him and only him-re-inforcing my theory that any car is only as 
good as the last guy who worked on it.) that when he got done, the only thing 
to really do it with it was gut it and start over again.

I know about those type of mechanics.  When I was a mechanic for the City of 
L.A., we had jokes about some of our coworkers at one of our yards.  If they 
worked on a truck and it had electrical problems, you could be sure they 
worked on it.  It doesn't make any sense to have a  twelve inch piece of 
wiring with six butt connectors.  How lazy can you get!!  If these types 
called themselves "shade tree mechanics", the tree would move to another 


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