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Re: Oil problems

To: "Spit List" <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Oil problems
From: "Suzie" <suzie_bear@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 19:32:33 +0100
Wouldn't be surprised. I'd imagine that oil this SOTP is probably more than
on yours too so maybe I should set up a stake out tonight?

Of course, I guess it could also be Baby Blue trying to entice the BMW down
the road by leaving a trail of oil pheromones??? Of course it's much too
young for her, she's a grand old lady of 32, and he's just a toddler of 3 or
4..... ;-)


Joe wrote:

> Suzie,
> With the price of oil these days, perhaps someone is "STEALING" it!  :)
> Joe
> Suzie wrote:
> >
> > I think my question bears some relation to Jeff's about his 'white
> > but I have a slightly different problem.
> >
> > I seem to be losing oil. There's no sign of any leaks where Baby Blue's
> > always parked (white concrete so a leak should be obvious) but I seem to
> > putting an awful lot in (3 litres over the last 3 weeks). There's no
> > clouds of smoke from the exhaust but one day the mechanic had the front
> > on ramps (fixing the clutch slave cylinder) and when he started it up I
> > afterwards that there was a spray pattern on the ground behind the
> > presumably noticable as the exhaust was aimed towards the ground for
> > It wasn't really heavy, just a light diffuse cone shape - any
> >
> > I assume that I'm burning oil but I definitely can't afford any major
> > work for a while so I'd appreciate any short term advice - apart from
> > topping up with oil too frequently. I've heard there's some stuff to put
> > with the oil (remember I'm a non-techie when it comes to cars) to help
> > up any gaps if it's worn piston rings (like radweld for a leaking
> > Is this the sort of stuff Jeff was referring to? Though I saw scorn
> > on the idea of using it, as I said, I just can't afford major work, or
> > minor just now, & my poor Baby certainly doesn't get subjected to high
> > or speeds.
> >
> > I'm just hoping for some advice to help me keep her chugging along
> > for a while longer.
> >
> > Suzie Bear
> >
> > PS. I'm off to the South of England TSSC meet at Leatherhead tomorrow.
> > been a lovely hot day today, fingers crossed it's similar tomorrow. And
> > guess what folks, I actually got out there with a bucket & chammy and
> > her a bit of a spruce up - that doesn't happen too often!

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