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Coolant hoses

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Coolant hoses
From: "Ken C" <sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 17:50:44 -0700
Spit Listers,

I'm about to install a set of dual SU's to replace the Zenith on my '72. Is
it necessary to run coolant thru the intake manifold ? I assume it's done to
warm the carb(s) quickly. But this car won't ever be driven in cold weather,
at least not by me !! So, could the coolant lines be rerouted around the
intake manifold ? If so, what's the best way ?

Also, does anyone use the heater ? There seems to be plenty of heat in the
cockpit, could the heater also be eliminated ? Just trying to simplify...

TIA...Ken C

ps,  a new email address, sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net

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