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Re: Help me put the "Gas Out" Hoax to rest forever?

To: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>,
Subject: Re: Help me put the "Gas Out" Hoax to rest forever?
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:59:00 -0800

As a fellow SUV owner, I'm with you. It's punishment enough to have to spend
over fifty bucks now just to fill the tank!  Our SUV "IS" off the road for
the time being.  It's simply too expensive to keep it on there.  Our
Expedition is the first SUV I've owned since a lemon '85 Jeep Cherokee
Chief.  In between, we've driven three mini vans (married with children
written all over them).  When you've got a young family with siblings who
like to bicker, a large SUV can be a Godsend.  Puts some distance between
the kids inside and lets us concentrate more on driving.

While driving my Spitfire, I've had no trouble with SUVs.  But the big rigs
have scared the hell out of me.  I say "LET'S BAN ALL THE BIG RIGS"!!!  How
about that, Laura!


Jeff in San Diego
P.S.  I hope you know I was only kidding about that last line, folks.

----- Original Message -----
From: Banbury, Terrence <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
To: Karl Theis <kjtheis@hotmail.com>; <spitfires@autox.team.net>;
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 6:20 AM
Subject: RE: Help me put the "Gas Out" Hoax to rest forever?

>  "I say we start with getting SUVs off the road!"
> Laura, please don't take that route to problem solution.   It won't solve
> the problem, it only assists the politicians in their "smoke and mirrors"
> tactics.  They love dissension among the people; how else can they work
> side against the other.  To the extent that "we" need to "do something"
> about high fuel costs; all of us are effected and we need to act
> together....assuming we need to act.
> Flame away...I've got my leather flying helmet on, with goggles down, but
> ain't got no gas , so I'm goin' down fas'......
> P.S. My SUV is off the road...highER gas costs have encouraged me to drive
> my higher mileage vehicle.  The free market is working.
> Terry Banbury
> > ----------
> > From: Laura.G@141.com[SMTP:Laura.G@141.com]
> > Reply To: Laura.G@141.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 3:04 PM
> > To: Karl Theis; spitfires@autox.team.net
> > Subject: Re: Help me put the "Gas Out" Hoax to rest forever?
> >
> >
> > Actually
> > Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
> >
> > > People need to realize how seriously dependent we are on the stuff:
> > > agricultural revolution that has fueled the population explosion on
> > > planet is due primarily to petroleum.  Chemical fertilizers,
> > insecticides,
> > > the heavy equipment and distribution system all use oil.
> >
> > Except in 3rd World and developing countries where things are done in
> > economical ways-and many times in the ways they have for centuries. I'm
> > thinking of rural areas. Pity more people don't listen to the BBC World
> > Service-one of my favourite programmes is one about projects in these
> > underdeveloped, poor places where they don't have heavy equipement and
> > everything is done in a way to make these people self-sufficient-not
> > dependent on fuel they cannot afford, and chemicals that don't exist in
> > their world. It's a mazing because we think that our way is the
> > in our 1st World. Oh, and these people have plenty of babies!
> >
> > >Once it's gone,
> > > that's it.
> >
> > Interesting bit on one of those science shows-some oil field in Mexico
> > somewhere, where it was thought that the oil was running out-and they've
> > (scientists, petro engineers) have found that it's filling up again-and
> > they
> > cannot explain it!
> >
> > >In only one century we have consumed from 1/3 to 1/2 of the
> > > easily extractable petroleum.
> > > I'll gladly pay $5/gallon for gas if it makes people think about our
> > > dependence on oil and start pushing for alternatives.
> >
> > You must have more money that I! If I have to pay $5/gal, I shan't be
> > to afford to live! Groceries will go up, plastic products which are used
> > in
> > abundance in hospitals will go up-driving the price of medical care up
> > spent $15,000 in 1998 in medical expences-and I wasn't even hospitalized
> > once that year!), And that would be the begining! Housing costs would go
> > up
> > and the affordable housing market would shrink even further as the start
> > ups
> > for affordable would be even fewer, (In Orange and L.A. Counties,
> > already a terrible affordable housing shortage as most of othe start ups
> > are
> > for custom homes for the wealthy. There are people in this county,
> > families
> > who make $60,000 who can't afford a place to live-and the waiting lists
> > for
> > apartments are long-some as long as 2 years!)-so many things that aren't
> > conspicuous consumption, and many people who are already making great
> > sacrifices-would be horribly affected.
> >
> > So, being glad to pay $5 gal. would truly make it a world for the
> > only, eh?
> >
> > I say we start with getting SUVs off the road!
> >
> > Laura G.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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