Hey ya'll,
Before you get so all-fired crazy about these gas-outs, remember two
1) The people you are first affecting (and hurting) with this are
Americans, and yourselves. When you refuse to buy gas for a certain
length of time, that keeps money out of the service stations' gasoline
pockets, so they therefore mark prices up (even more) on other things to
recover those losses, hurting you, the American consumer. Don't forget
service station owners are American citizens, and they need to eat and
pay their bills just like the rest of us do.
2) "Gas-Outs" here do not affect OPEC or the cartels since everyone buys
about the same amount of gas, just before and after the gas-out. Our
not buying gas here for 24 hours, or two or three days, won't bother
them in the least. A large chunk of the cost of our gas is taxes and
fees, *American* taxes and fees, and if those lose revenues, guess what
-- again they find other ways to recoup them, hurting you in the
process. Plus, OPEC and the cartels' business is *SO* big, a waver in
the American market will be like dropping a pebble into a lake.
Gas prices are just something we have to live with. If you are so
worried about the price of gas, work on developing clean-air systems (to
lessen fees on gas for that reason), down-sizing government (to reduce
those taxes), and everything else we pay taxes and fees on when we buy a
gallon of gas.
We go through this every year, ya'll. Those of us who have been on the
list a while have seen this topic come around each year with
regularity. Let's just move on, okay?
(I'm not an opinionated person -- I just play one in real life! ;)
Just my two cents (plus another 37 cents for state and local taxes and
54 cents in regulatory fees).
Keep Triumphing,
Susan :)