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Gas prices (in perspective, a little longish)

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Gas prices (in perspective, a little longish)
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:13:20 -0800
Ya know I've not been on this bandwagon, primarily because I don't want to
get into a pissing contest about something we don't really have any control
over but I might add the following:
Gas here in the states isn't taxed NEARLY as heavily, nor is the foreign
exchange rate taken into account.  Sure if we tacked on an additional 50
percent tax our gas would be in the $3 plus range.  Does that make it
better, or more equal??  I think not.  Maybe someone should be complaining
about the high taxes imposed upon that gas, not saying we should be content
with our [cheap??] gas prices.   Have YOUR fuel prices gone up almost 40
percent in the last few weeks??  If they have I feel for you too - Remember
that heating oil for those here in the midwest and northern regions depend
upon this for heating their homes.  Prices in the next weeks ahead WILL be
going up for almost everything because of increased shipping costs
associated with these increases, so it's a little more involved than my
weekend pleasure cruising.  I would think that if your prices increased
upwards of 40 percent in just a few weeks you TOO would be complaining, not
that this is the forum for doing that and I apologize for venting, just
been with the tax man :-{. 
Secondly I travel approx. 20 miles to work and back for a total of 40 miles
EVERY DAY.  That's just for work, not the added trip to the market or
shopping etc.  So I regularly put on 230-250 miles a week.  Even at $2.00 a
gallon with a optimistic 20 MPG that works out to about $23-$25 a week a
significant chunk from a couple of weeks ago when I was paying around
$16-17 a week.  I shudder to think what one of those suburban assault
vehicles would cost, and I really don't feel that sorry for them either!!
Maybe the cost of gas will cut into there cell phone usage, and they will
actually drive the darn things, instead of holding a conversation while
thinking the vehicle has an auto pilot.  This (relatively) high mileage
kind of driving is NOT uncommon over here in the states, so it can make a
big impact on daily life - for those of us that can't really cut down on
our commute.  Besides that the public transportation system, EVEN with the
trolley that we have here in San Diego is WOEFULLY inadequate, terribly
inconvenient, and frankly I wouldn't (and haven't) felt all that safe when
I have used it.  It just doesn't travel where the vast majority of people
do.  Quite honestly, is not that much cheaper even with the high gas
prices.   If you happen to be going into or out of downtown proper, then it
will save you the hassles of traffic and parking, but that's about it
Be that as it may, there is not a whole lot we can realistically do to stem
the tide.  Filling up several days before or after a certain date won't
make even a small dent.  Only cutting back usage will, and I don't think
many people are willing to do that or even can.  But at least I can really
enjoy the fact that I have a truly unique British vehicle that I take pride
in, and which gives me GREAT pleasure using, doing something that many
people consider a grind.  And while I might be grumbling about the
increased cost of my daily commute, I can at least enjoy it a whole lot
more than most others with just "a car".  Sure as the sun rises, while
hopefully not in my lifetime but quite possibly in my children (if I ever
have any :-}) vehicles will NOT be powered by gasoline as we know it.  Our
treasures will be nothing more than potential recycling material.  The
writing's on the wall, and I  for one feel a little sad that it will
eventually be.  Someone else, quite possibly my own children, won't be able
to experience the joy I have had over these many years. (not that I'm too
concerned that I'll ever see that day).  Never the less it WILL eventually
happen.  So I'll enjoy it while I can even though it may cost a little more
every year.  Such is life - Sorry if I offended anyone as that was surely
not my intention, it was merely a "venting" of sorts.

Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net

72 PI, V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (long term project)

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