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FW: sane advice

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: sane advice
From: "Garner, Joseph P." <JPGarner@UCDavis.Edu>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 09:38:42 -0800
hey everyone.... this is what i got from my best friend in england.... talk
about living vicariously!



-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Spencer (Reuters UK-CT Communications Analyst) (0171) 542 5292
GSS 3rd floor [mailto:ben.spencer@reuters.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 5:29 AM
To: JPGarner@ucdavis.edu
Subject: Re: sane advice
Sensitivity: Confidential


Buy the Spit!!!!!! £2000 is about right (they usually go for between
£1300 -£2500 here). As you know, I am biased, as I have always wanted
a Spitfire. Look at it this way:

1. You are young, and you are supposed to do silly things when you're
2. Honda Civics are for girls, poofs and people concerned about "side
impact bars" etc.
3. Honda Civics have too many tail lights, you'll look like Blackpool
Esplanade on wheels every time you brake.
4. Buy the Spit - its sexy
5. Whatever the practical limitations of the Spit are (two people,
slightly cramped etc etc.) remember that you'll never have the chance
to own a sportscar where you can take the roof down frequently in
England: it always rains here.
6. All of Slowdive/Mojave 3 are Spitfire owners.
7. If you pass this opportuinty up, you will confirm to me that you
are getting too old to have fun
8. Parts aren't too much of a hassle (standard 70's British Leyland
engine parts, good collector clubs etc, [loads of info on spares etc.
on the web]
9. you may want to look at the following sites:

http://www.tssc-hq.demon.co.uk/Spitbuy.html  Spitfire buyers guide

10. Just buy the damned thing!


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*Hi ben...
*how's things? um.... I'm kind of considering buying a 1974 triumph
*that i have discovered in my car hunt. It is remarkably good nick,
*especially at $2000. What do you think? I think i may be going crazy
*not really), everyone here is egging me on, but i can't help shaking
*sensible  side which is telling me that for another $1000 i could get
*(just) serviceable second hand tercel or civic.
*I'd really appreciate a bit of wisdom.

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