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rear springs

To: "spit" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <mikech@sprynet.com>
Subject: rear springs
From: "James Libecco" <jfl@neoucom.edu>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 17:01:03 -0500
    The portion of the second leaf that needs to be cut is indeed that
portion that loops around.  You can envision where this interference would
occur if you look at the spring and think about compressing it.

    If you can get some sort of teflon in there, let us know.  It would be a
lot cleaner than the heavy lithium grease that I currently use.


>Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 12:33:26 -0700
>From: "MikeC" <mikech@sprynet.com>
>Subject: Re: rear springs
>I called around today and found a local spring shop that will de-arch it
>$30.  I'm going to pull the spring again and let them do it and see about
>some teflon strips between the ends to reduce friction. I didn't feel to
>safe about a spacer anyway.  Someone said something about cutting the ends
>off of the second leaf to reduce binding, I guess this means to cut off the
>part that loops around the bushing mount on the bottom spring.  If I was to
>do this how far in should I cut it?

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