As much as I think it would be a bad idea from a perfectionist
viewpoint...Put the short spring on the passenger side, helping to balance
out the usual solo operation of a spitfire (not enough HP for two people to
ride at once...)
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 22:23:37 -0500
From: "Patrick Bowen" <>
Subject: Windshield and Front Springs - New question
>1.) I pulled my two front springs, my driver side is 1/4 inch shorter than
the passenger. I know this is due to the drivers side problem. However I
have a spare spring that matches up with my passenger side spring height.
Should I simply switch the springs that were on the car, putting the short
one on the passenger side - anticipating the two will balance out after I
start driving. Or should I use the two springs that are of the same height
and possibly face this again in the future?<