I just got some new springs for my 64 Spitfire from Spitbits. The car has a
72 1296 cc engine in it, so in talking with Spitbits they suggested I put in
a set of springs from a 1500 model because the 1296 engine is slightly
heavier than the 1147. Looking at the new springs today I can count 13
coils, the old springs have only 10 coils. The coils look like they are
the same diameter. It seems like the front of the car will be raised an inch
or more. Has anyone done this swap before? What were the results? Can
anyone with a 1500 count how many coils your springs have. I don't want to
raise the front height any, in fact I don't want it any lower either. I
guess I could cut the spring but then the cut end will not be flat. Any
BTW: the springs are marked "Spitfire 1500 - 75 on".