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To: burdick@abacus.mc.duke.edu
Subject: RE: NASS
From: "Andrew Holmes" <holmes_law@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:48:10 PST
Sounds like a great plan.  Let's pick one, go there, and get on with the 
formation of NASS!  I vote for Jeff's page.  I may be biased, though, since 
I also have a red round tail spit . . .

Andrew Holmes
'66 mkII spit

>From: "Michael Burdick" <burdick@abacus.mc.duke.edu>
>Reply-To: "Michael Burdick" <burdick@abacus.mc.duke.edu>
>To: "Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
>CC: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
>Subject: RE: NASS
>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:38:57 -0600
> > > There is precedence for this:  the VTR has a team.net list
> > > for VTR-related
> > > discussions.
> >
> > Ah, just one minute. Please don't go clogging up the VTR lists with
> > NASS stuff.
>Hmmm.  I guess what I wrote could be read this way, but it is certainly
>not what I meant.  I think a "NASS@autox.team.net", a
>"NASS@onelist.com", or a forum on Jeff's page should be utilized for
>hammering out the details of the formation of the NASS.
>Mike Burdick
>Durham NC

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