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Re: How many are we?

To: Dave <IwannaConvertible@mmcable.com>
Subject: Re: How many are we?
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 11:31:25 -0700
I was trying to back date the scenario to that of a previous (read
"cold-war") era!

Yes, I spent time in both SAC (96 Bomb Wing) and TAC (48th Tactical
Fighter Wing)!


Dave wrote:
> Joe, that would be the North American ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone)
> and they would first try to contact the pilot of baby blue on the radio
> ("unknown rider, unknown rider position <calls out lat/long> heading <calls
> it as he see's it> contact <appropriate air traffic control center> on
> <appropriate frequence>.")  She gets a few tries before they scramble an
> active air defense sortie against her to visually ID baby blue, and baby
> blue gets an escort to a suitable landing site.  Of course this could all
> have been prevented if a flight plan had been filed 24 hours in advance, and
> radio contact had been established with Air Traffic Control prior to
> entering the ADIZ
> Sorry, couldn't help it, wanted to make sure you knew that NORAD and Air
> Combat Command (ACC-formerly known as TAC and SAC) are not in the habit of
> shooting down defensless LBCs
> btw, for the sake of political correctness, let's use their current flags as
> kill symbols, too much emotional and cultural baggage associated with those
> countries previous national flags...
> Dave

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