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Re: central meeting place

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: central meeting place
From: Growe58@aol.com
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 19:10:21 EST
In a message dated 2/11/00 4:46:33 PM EST, dterrick@home.com writes:

> I got to thinking,  what about a central meeting?  Winnipeg is, technically,
>  on a few dozen miles from the VERY geographic centre of North America.  
>  where I'm going with this one?
OK, this is a little blue sky, but why even have a meeting place?  How about
a group big circuit of the US with cars dropping in and out depending on how 
far they
want to travel from their home with some brave (read: foolish) and hardy 
masochistic) souls making the grand circuit?  Support on the road, nightly
debriefings (road tales) over dinner, transmission rebuilds in motel bathtubs,
camping in the National Parks, NO INTERSTATES ...sigh... logistically
impossible, I suppose.  But, just imagine 150 or so Spitfires pulling into a
Taco Bell in Nowheresville and ordering Chalupas (sp), I mean, wouldn't
that just totally rock?

Greg "Reality, we don't need no stinkin' reality" Rowe
78 Spitfire

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