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Re: "Bouncy" Speedo

To: Bill Miller <millerb@netusa1.net>
Subject: Re: "Bouncy" Speedo
From: Patrick Baize <speedracre@netzero.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:22:24 -0600
Well thanks Bill, My speedo use to bounce.  Then I disassembled to whole car.
but I am getting to the point of putting the Speedo back and I certainly will
use your advise.

Pat 63 Spitfire ( The Speedo's in a box)

Bill Miller wrote:

> Listers -
> I have been *ENJOYING* the wonderful Indiana Indian summer all weekend in my
> LBC.  Great weather, and probably the last decent weekend we will have until
> spring.  It was 80+ degrees and sunny.  Even took it to walwart to get some
> octane booster (with MMT).  Actually makes a noticeable different in the old
> tired engine.  Anyway, back on topic.
> Saturday, the speedo began bouncing wildly!!  Traveling a 50 would bounce
> between 10 and 100.  pretty annoying, plus the speedo never really was that
> accurate anyway and it always bounced a little.  I figured that I would be
> tearing down the speedo this winter to rebuild it.  So today, I decided to
> lube the cable to see it that would help.  Well, come to find out a PO
> *greased* it!  what a mess.  I pulled the cable out from the liner and wiped
> it down really good.  next, I cleaned it with carb cleaner.  Then cleaned
> the liner the best I could.  Lubricated it with dry graphite powder, and
> viola, little or NO bounce!  And it is actually useable as a speedo now.
> Appears to be MUCH more accurate.  Then I drove it the rest of the afternoon
> :)
> The moral of my little tale is; if your speedo is bouncing and annoying you,
> It would be worth your while to pull the cable from the liner, clean and
> lube it with dry graphite powder.  For a little 30 minute job, sure makes
> the speedo like a new(er) one, and a lot less distracting!
> Bill
> Spits and Sprites

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