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Re: What's in a Name

To: Bob Jones <Jones_M2@popmail.firn.edu>
Subject: Re: What's in a Name
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 23:20:34 -0700
While they do have a Spitfire Catalog, it only goes back to the MkIV and
although there are a lot of parts they handle that cross over to early
Spits, none of their people know what they are.  So one must do some
research and order the parts for the cars they recognize!


Bob Jones wrote:
> Joe:
> I just got the Moss rag today and guess what?  MG continues to be the
> featured marque.  From the little owners profile I guess that is to be
> expected.  What really frustrates me is their lack of attention to
> Triumphs.  Even their Triumph catalogs feature MF accessories.  I opened up
> my new TR6 catalog and their's a damn MG on the inside page, 3 and 4, and
> adnauseam.  I know a lot of Triumph owners buy from them.  I guess thats
> good so some of the profits can be plowed back into new parts for all the
> TC's still running around.  Come to think of it, I've never seen a TC
> running around.
> Bob
> Joe Curry wrote:
> > John,
> > I just received the latest edition of Moss Motoring and read your
> > article on "What's in a Name"  Interesting article indeed.  I prefer to
> > think of the "umph" (short for oomph) as a positive thing.  After all,
> > that is the sound that is used to describe "power"!
> >
> > How much Umph does your Triumph have?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Joe Curry
> > --
> > "If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
> >  -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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